Everything Becomes So Much More

HD Video
20 min

Everything Becomes So Much More is a short film introducing the audience to the lives of three teenage girls aged between 18 and 20, living in Oslo, who have all been diagnosed with ADHD. Each girl presents her own experiences and perceptions, often recounting stories of conflict and the breaking of social conventions. As rates of ADHD in Europe continue to rise – doubling in the past decade in the case of Norway – the film touches on the sociological aspect of the diagnosis in relation to changing cultural norms and attempts to find a different, more subjective, understanding.


Director & Producer
Sille Storihle

Martine Flaathen
Amie Stefanie John
Rebecca Schneegans

Marte Vold

Sound recordist
Rune Baggerud 

Katrin Ebersohn

Sound Design
Vladimir Rakić

Houwaida Hedfi

Color Grading
Sebastian Bodirsky 

Thank You
ADHD Norge, Frida Kristiansen Andersen, Helen Shilan Babaeian, Sigrid Haugen & 3SFA at Edvard Munch Videregående Skole, Marin Forsbak Håskjold, Heine Jordet, Haddy Njie, Amanda Birkeland Olsen,  Twisted Trashbag, Hanne Ulla & Kunstnernes Hus

Financial Support
Arts Council Norway, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, The Fritt Ord Foundation, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Nordland Kunst- og Filmfagskole


Just a Little Lovin' (2022)


The Tomorrow Show (2015)