Just a Little Lovin’

Slide show, audio track   
7 min

Just a Little Lovin’ is a live action roleplaying-game (LARP) about friendship, desire and the fear of death, set in a partially fictional New York in the early years of the AIDS epidemic. The photographs exhibited as a slideshow were taken by the character Kimberly – played by Sille Storihle – during the UK run in 2019. Kimberly was an uncompromising individualist feminist and professional photographer.

Just a Little Lovin’ was first produced in Norway in 2011 by the game writers and designers Tor Kjetil Edland and Hanne Grasmo, and has since then been organized eight times. The larp, including workshops and debrief, lasts a minimum of five days from player arrival to player departure. Each act in the game begins and ends with the song Just a Little Lovin’.

The images from the 2019 run of the game were exhibited as a part of the Queer Cultural Year in Norway (2022).


Sille Storihle

Game Design
Tor Kjetil Edland and Hanne Grasmo

Organizing Team
Mo Holkar, Will Osmond, David Owen, Karolina Soltys, Craig Wakeford and Laura Wood.

Set Design & Production
Will Osmond, Laurie Innes, Richard Innes, Sille Storihle

Artist Assistant
Marin Forsbak Håskjold

Financial Support
Fond for Lyd og Bilde


The Group Crit (2022)


Everything Becomes So Much More (2018)